
We've all been there... wanting to shift into the wedding industry, but have NO idea where to start. Well, lucky for you, you're in the right place!! I teach photographers JUST LIKE YOU how pivot into wedding photography and run a successful business!

Wedding Photography Education with Megan Ekern

3 years ago if you would have asked me if this is where I'd be, I probably would have laughed out loud!! When I picked up a camera for the first time, I did NOT believe I had it in me to become a wedding photographer! I believed it could only be this CRAZY dream, and it would never become a reality for me.

Get to know your educator!!

xoxo, Meg

Little did I know...
my life was about to change...

My dream of becoming a FULL TIME wedding photographer, in JUST ONE YEAR, came true! From picking up my camera for the first time, to becoming BOOKED out, only took 12 months....., and NOW, I teach other photographers JUST LIKE YOU to do the same! So that's why I'm here!! To help photographers like YOU take their business to the next level and become successful in the wedding industry!!

I'm SO glad you're here, and I thank you for trusting me to guide you along the way!

Specifically made for photographers looking to pivot their business into the wedding industry, established photographers wanting to add more posing prompts to their memory bank, or wedding photographers searching for flows that are SIMPLE, EASY, and EFFECTIVE. This course is JAM PACKED will over 75 posing prompts, and breaks down EACH section of a wedding day. It will help you feel CONFIDENT in your posing at your very first wedding, and every wedding after that!

Learn more!

The Complete Wedding Day posing course

Top 3 Wedding
Day Posing Prompts Freebie


4 steps to pivot into wedding photography freebie


are you a photographer looking to pivot into the wedding industry, but don't know where to start? Join my free facebook education group where i go live every week answering your questions and talk all about wedding photography!

Join here